J S Kothari Business School, Mumbai

Creating a brand that is taking forward a 35-year-old legacy


  • Brandsylvania had taken up the massive task of creating a brand identity for J S Kothari Business school, which is in their nascent stage in the industry.
  • It started from identifying brand name to developing a complete look & feel for the brand, like brand logo, colors, positioning, motto etc



  • With JSKBS being a part of the one of the biggest and most prestigious education institute, Deccan Education Society (DES), we had to make sure that we not only leverage the legacy but also keep the branding in tandem with the principles that DES stands for.
  • At JSKBS, the school aimed at fulling the social, educational and cultural aspirations of the society and going beyond just a degree.



An elaborate course curriculum that is can be chosen by the students themselves.



  • In order to be able to fulfil this task, team Brandsylvania connected with all the stakeholders such as the founders, teachers and students at the college.
  • Scanned the competitive landscape to arrive at an insight



Students no longer look at MBA degree just a way to land a good job, but it goes beyond to a more holistic need of making them capable of handling any hurdles that the corporate life throws at them.


Our take:

Leveraging the 35-year-old legacy and its own vision, positioning JSKBS as a school that inspires its students to go beyond academics.



Inspiring to aspire

Category: Branding
Tag: Branding
Client: J S Kothari Business School, Mumbai
Date: August 15, 2019