NMITD, Mumbai

Re-creating brand NMITD, topmost college in its field


  • Brandsylvania was given the task of re-branding the topmost college in Mumbai.
  • It included identifying the brand positioning, motto, values of the brand that were in sync with the parent institute which has been in the educational field for more than 35 years now. We also had to crack the complete look & feel for the brand, like brand logo, etc.



  • We began this long journey by conducting a consumer research within the stakeholders to understand what NMITD means to them and thus arriving at an insight.
  • In order to be able to fulfil this task, team Brandsylvania connected with all the stakeholders such as the founders, teachers and students at the college.



Each and every student of NMITD had a deep connection not just with the college but also with the teachers in the college. They felt they were being guided by the students not only regarding academics but life in general.


Our take:

True essence of a Guru-shishya relationship has been established.


Moto – Dream. Nurture. Achieve

Category: Branding
Tag: Branding
Client: NMITD, Mumbai
Date: March 30, 2021